Monday, December 12, 2016

Hongkong - Ocean Park and Disneyland (Day 1)

28 November came and went by. Finally realised the birthday trip for R and A, and boy, it is really quite a challenge, to bring an infant along with a super whiny 4yo. 

Unexpectedly, it wasn't really C who was difficult, but R, for being really clingy, whiny and just refusing to walk on his own. He grabbed every opportunity to jump into the stroller, which was mainly meant for C's use.

If the stroller was unavailable, he would be bugging daddy to carry him, crying, fussing until daddy gave in, or until I go grab his hand and make him walk with me. That was really really the most annoying thing about R. If only he can be more independent, this trip will be a really fun and less frustrating one.

Wa, I didn't mean to start the blog with a complain, but anyway, I had to rant, although I already did, to a number of people. HAHA

I woke up at around 2.15am, to pump before I shower and prepare myself. Rayson got up around the time I did too, and we woke R up at around 2.45am. To make sure we won't have too difficult a time waking R up, we put him to bed at about 8.30pm. C's nap time however, clashed with the time we would like to put him to bed, so he actually only slept at around 10plus pm. So I woke my mom and him up last. 

We got into a cab at around 3.40am and reached airport at around 4.05am. Xue and family already checked in and was having breakfast, while I bottle feed C 240mils of milk (as we waited for his godma Zynn), which he actually finished. He hadn't finished so much milk before.  

The HKG Group!

The Kiddos

Ah Mah & C
We didn't bother changing C, we just changed his diapers, put him into the carrier and go. I thought he would go back to sleep, but he didn't. Maybe he felt our excitement, or he was just as excited! LOL

It is really a fantastic idea to have my mom come along with us. She helped me alot feeding C, taking care of C in the hotel room while I pump or handle R. We also have more hands taking care and carrying C when we are out, or eating. 

Kiddos cannot pose properly again >_<

The flight was generally smooth, C fell asleep an hour into the flight, till we landed. R was yakking non stop for 3 hours of the 4 hours flight. OMG! Poor Zynn had to entertain him, until we I made R go sit with Ray and he eventually fell asleep 30mins before the plane landed. Then R was crying coz of the pressure and his ears hurt. 😓

Zynn entertaining both kids. LOL😆

Here's C with his Godma ❤❤

Xue with her 2 baobeis

Finally arrived in HKG and OTW to hotel
 First meal at Hongkong. We went to Tsui Wah Cafe which was just opposite our hotel. This cafe's food are pretty pricey though. Their food is pretty decent, most importantly, not as salty as I remember HKG food. My red bean iced was good, but the milk tea is terrible according to my mom and Zynn and Xue.
Red Bean Iced & Milk Tea

The most expensive luncheon & egg rice. HKD$50!

Fishballs Noodles

Another version of Fishball Noodles

Stir fry Pepper Pork Ribs Rice. Around HKD$60.
 This rice is quite yummy and so much more worth compared to the luncheon & egg rice. 

Our rooms were not all ready when we reached, so we all parked our luggage at the Ten's room, then we quickly head for lunch, coz kids all hungry already. The room not ready, kind of disrupt my itinerary planning. Coz I plan to settle down, let the kids wash up abit, feed C before we head out for lunch then straight to the Science Center.

In the end after lunch, we go back to claim our rooms, settle down, and got ready to go out again, it was around 4pm already. So we decided not to rush to the Science Center which will close at around 7pm. So we chose to walk around the area and go buy some Tai Cheong egg tarts on the way. 😋

C very happy with the bed

R snacking

So we decided to look see look see while we walk to the pier at the end of the long street. We were walking for about 5mins or so and I turned around to find R asleep! Ray told me R was walking like a zombie, and he realised R's eyes were closed while walking! No wonder R objected when we wanted to leave the room, saying he was tired. I thought he meant physically, so he actually meant he wants to sleep. LOL. 

R sleepy while we catch up on some yummy snacks!

R took a power nap & woke up & Zynn munching on a jidanzai

So cute this snowman

The familiar ice-cream van in HKG

At the pier

Finally, some yummilicious egg tarts!

And R stealing licks of Aunty Zynn's Taro ice cream

Night view from the pier

Ice cream mustache

They are tired and wanted to rest their legs

XX posing with cute gongzai!


Christmas lights, not as impressive as SG's
Dinner here at my bro's recommendation. But no more dim sum already!

Roast Goose

Ee Fu Mee Soup


We wanted to go to the Sun Sun restaurant for some dimsum dinner, but then we were informed that they don't serve dimsum during dinner hours. Disappointed, but also too late to make another meal choice, so we made do. The pricing is not cheap too, but the servings were pretty large, so all 6 adults and 3 kiddos were able to fill our tummies. The food is not bad, I like that it was not over salty, thus we can feed this to the children at ease.

I packed oatmeal cereals for C, and my bro bought some packed purees back from aussie. So I brought a few packs along. Here's C trying the Apple, Carrot and Banana puree pack, but he does not really like it.  
C having late dinner too! Oops!
After dinner, we headed back to hotel and turn in. We were all tired from waking up at the wee hours and also from all the travelling. I felt if it was an all adults trip, we would probably have gone on exploring, looking for supper etc. But with kids, it really means resting as early as we can.

Putting C to bed on the first night was a nightmare. The hotel ran out of baby cot, so they brought us additional bed without charge instead. R refused to sleep on the additional bed, so I decide to sleep with C on the additional bed, while R and Ray slept on the queen bed in the room.

C kept crying the moment we reach our hotel, I don't know if he was overtired, too stimulated or he don't like the room for whatever reasons (eh-hem), but he was fussing alot. We gave him a quick shower, but made a mistake of using the shower head on him. He hasn't tried having a noisy shower head sprinkling water on his head, and the sound coupled with the unfamiliar environment scare him. He cried throughout the shower. 

The next night, I filled up the bathtub instead, and let him take his bath the usual way - soaking in the bathtub. It was much easier and he enjoyed the bath more. 

After his shower, I latch him and tried to put him to sleep. But the moment we put him on the bed, he cried. He cried so bad, my mom came over twice to check on us. (We were staying in connecting rooms and we opened the connecting doors.) Finally after crying for about 30mins or so, with me carrying him and putting him down and repeat, he finally settled down after I placed him on his tummy. 

Squeezing on a additional bed with him was very uncomfortable and I didn't sleep much. Because I was very afraid I would crush him. I kept waking up to make sure he was ok and the space I had to turn... almost non existent. 

Luckily the next night, R decided to go sleep with Zynn, so my mom slept in the extra bed and I had the bed with C and Ray. I'm still afraid I will crush C, but at least I had abit more room to flip and turn.

The next 2 nights were much better for C who fell asleep latching and slept all the way to morning. *yay*

Day 2 - Ocean Park! Updates on the next post.